Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Adevertisments and my view

Advertisements along with branding have become a way of American life.  For example, during the Super Bowl America's other holiday, we have some of the highest watched advertisements within a sporting event.  The costs for these placements runs in the millions of dollars for a 30 minute spot.  The short spots do reach millions of people and I for one am a person that does watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials. 
    Other forms of advertisement come in the form of radio commercials, pop-ups and billboards, etc.  Last week in New York an advertisement about abortion caused a fair amount of controversy, yet again.
Abortion is a topic that will always cause a range of emotions for both men and women alike.  In America, abortion is treated a one of the highest crimes that one can commit. Was this billboard the right thing to do?  Was it wrong?  Who is really to decide.  I viewed the billboard and I did not agree with the message of despair for the black/African-American community, I did see the power of words and an old controversy that will never stop being talked about.  The use of an innocent looking child, which some can see as hope for the future, with words saying that the black/African-American community is killing itself was way off in my opinion.  Abortion is not the number one killer for the community, however the topic of abortion is just an easy way to grab the attention of a lot misinformed people.  
   If we must use words and misleading images, use a new form, not just fear an old, tired tactic.