Monday, July 18, 2011

Doing it right

     There are many steps that people take to become successful.  Some people plan for years, months, weeks or a lifetime.  While success looks different for everyone, I believe that for most people a common thread that defines success means reaching your goals.
     Success for some women means finding your career calling, maybe the love of your life, children if you like them, becoming a pet parent to dogs because they're the best, being in great shape, having great handbags, shoes, lots of great fitting jeans, travelling, enjoying great food, making an impact on the world but most importantly knowing the difference between there/their/they're and to, too and two.  So this is partly one of my definitions of success.
     I have said it numerous times before, I am blessed to have wonderful friends that always inspire and support me in all areas of my life.  This post is dedicated to one of those friends.
   My good friend is more than her career.  She is a person that has been in my life for a very long time, 24 years to be exact.  I have had some very embarrassing moments in my life that I would love to truly erase from my life story and this friend has been a witness to some of my less stellar moments but has never made me feel bad on any level and for that I am truly thankful.
     I have been in contact with this friend as she has traveled the globe.  During her travels this friend seems to never forget about my mother, a woman that has never called her by the correct name, ever.
     My old friend is entering a new stage in her life and I wish her nothing but the best in love and happiness.  She deserves it because she is doing everything right.  When I say she has done everything right in my opinion it means the following:  She has established herself, meaning she knows who she is at all times and is not defined by other's ideas and wishes, she is confident in herself, she has traveled and is proud of where she came from and remains true to those she loves and cares about and she has let love find her and defines it on her own terms.
     There are qualities that all of my friends have that I admire.  I always think that if I were to have a daughter which trait would I pull from each friend for my daughter to have?  From this friend I would like for my daughter to have her tenacity, ambition, fearlessness, determination and her hand eye coordination.   
   This friend will always inspire me ...because she did everything right...isn't that what friends are for, to inspire and uplift us?  I hope that in return I too have been a great friend...

This posting is a belated birthday posting...from June...