Thursday, May 5, 2011

Friends part one

People move in and out of our lives, what's the old saying: People are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.  If a person is lucky they will have the pleasure of having a few good friends in their lifetime.  I consider myself to be a truly lucky person.  I feel that I have six truly wonderful friends.  I am not being boastful, I am just very appreciative. 

One of the greatest people that I know, a true gem of a person and someone that I am honored to call my friend had a birthday yesterday.  Birthdays to me are special and should always be celebrated and this person is a true blessing to everyone that meets her.  I have had many laughs working with this person and then the friendship began.  I am rather snarky sometimes and she gets my humor.  She is always very understanding and supportive, which has always humbled me and this I am thankful for.

I believe that when you truly care about someone you should let them know.  My friend is an artist, she is deadly with a drawing pen and she expresses her feelings of our friendship with her pen...(I on the other hand cannot make any art to save my life, alas I will never be Banksy...)  This year I am returning the compliment to her because of  her always encouraging and kind words this posting is dedicated to her and our friendship that I believe will last a lifetime, not just for a short reason or season.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mykeia! I really appreciate your post and even more than that I value your friendship in my life. You inspire me. Thanks for being an amazing friend.
