Monday, May 2, 2011


Images and labels surround us everyday, some of the images are flattering, insulting, daring, compassionate, uplifting, and misleading.

While viewing the television show, Celebrity Apprentice one of the most unflattering images of an African-American woman was on display for all of the viewing public, none other than Nene Leakes.  Ms. Leakes is not known by all of America however, for those following the show her over the top and often abrasive personality helped to reignite the image of the big, loud, heffer of a black woman from the southern part of America. Watching this display caused a range of emotions for myself and a few of my friends.  After watching this show I was saddened, angry and confused.  Saddened because I think that people over the age of 12 can and should be able to conduct themselves better and with more reserve.  Angry because this was just too much to consume.  Lastly, I was confused because why oh why would an adult woman lose her cool on national television for the benefit of Donald Trump?

I would like for someone to please take note that this not the way that all African-American women handle themselves when angry...

One day I truly believe that this image will be a thing of the past, some one just please inform Ms. Leakes that this is never the image displayed by someone with class.


  1. Hi Mykeia,

    I didn't see the show, it is one that I've never watched, but sight unseen, I agree with you. We know how we should act in public to show our regal upbringing and class. How are you doing?

  2. Hey Mykeia!

    I totally agree with what you are saying. Nene Leakes is a walking cliche and sadly representing African-American women in a very unflattering light. However, I would like for you to consider that historically African-Americans have been only seen as a part of a group of people rather then individuals. Whatever behavior one of us portrays the rest of us are somehow associate with that. Although I have not seen Celebrity Apprentice I am familiar with Nene Leakes and find her to be quite irritating. Nonetheless, I am certain without any doubt that there are plenty of people (white people to be specific)on that show, if not other reality TV shows that are equally as obnoxious. But because these people are white they are not treated as representatives of their group and their behaviors and actions only embarrass themselves. No one dares to presume that their unpleasant personalities is a trait of their race. Just a thought.

  3. Good day Ethiopia...
    Thank you for your comment!
    I know that in the past African-Americans have been seen as one solid unitary mass with no individual thoughts or ideas.
    Nene is not being looked at as the one representative of AA women, because on the show there are/were four AA women from various backgrounds and comments were directed at her loud mouth behavior that she seems to be playing up...perhaps for ratings.
    While Star Jones and LaToya Jackson have some class about them they too are AA and I do believe that the viewing public can tell the difference.
    History does play a huge part of our future, my wish was that Nene Leakes remembers that.
