Saturday, May 14, 2011

Milestones part one

     The other day an old friend posed a question about reaching the age of 35.  The question was a fill in the blank:  By the time a woman reaches the age of 35 she should _________.  There were multiple answers to this question and I have my own view, the following list is in no particular order and is not complete at this time--simply an overview of my thoughts at this time in my life...
     I am a person that believes that you can follow your own life map and plan, don't let anyone else decide your path for you, HOWEVER, I do believe that there are some experiences that should be shared by each and everyone if at all possible.  This list of milestones offers some of the few experiences that I think women of a certain age, not just 35 should share.
1.  By the time a woman is 30 plus she should be comfortable with her own company.  I must clarify this statement, comfortable with your own company, meaning you can be by yourself and not be overwhelmed with the feeling of being alone or labeled a failure by society.  I am completely comfortable with my own company and this is partly because I was raised as an only child and I believe that I am pretty enjoyable to be around, such is life.  
2.  By the time a woman is 30 plus she should have traveled outside of her city, state and if at all possible her country.  Travel is so important on various levels.  I have traveled and I believe that my thinking, outlook on life, tastes and expectations have all been enhanced due to my traveling experiences.
3.  By the time a woman is 30 plus she should truly understand what makes a person a good mate.  Is finding a good mate easy, no...however, people should know that as you get older and want stability if the person that you are with does not want stability or your goals--they may not be the best choice for a mate.  Yes, I know sometimes opposites attract, but not on all levels.
4.  By the time a woman is 30 plus she should have a few solid friendships.  There is no greater feeling than having a few people in your corner in times of good, bad, in between and who simply love you for who you are.
5.  By the time a woman is 30 plus she should have a specialty food that she makes.  Yes, I do believe that all people should know their way around a kitchen, not just women.  I mention food because I believe that nothing builds community and connection like good food.

That's it for now...this is only the beginning of this list.


1 comment:

  1. Your list is spot-on! With my 30th birthday fast approaching (9/16) I'm feeling pretty confident and ready to begin a new decade in my life. ;)
