Monday, May 2, 2011

Still finding me...

Foremost I have to say that I have a wonderful life.  I am loved, cared for, smart and witty, all in that order.  Currently I am in an unfamiliar space, meaning that I am searching for me, hence the title of this blog.  
I am getting my mojo back.  

There is so much going on in the world and I am trying to find my place.  What is my place in this world?  Where is my place in this world?  I know that I do have a place, and believe me I know that it is a good one, sadly I just haven't put my finger on it, but I have the utmost confidence in knowing that this place of mine does exist.  

I am finding me and I am thankful that I have the time and a healthy relationship to do so.

This image was taken at a time before a major transition was about to take place...when this picture was taken I was full of happiness and love...I will be getting back to that place, still finding me.

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