Sunday, May 29, 2011

What does power mean to you?

Simply put power is one of those words that takes on a different meaning for the person using it and various contexts.
What does power mean to you?
At this point in my life power comes in numerous forms.  Various cliches come to mind: Power is something that comes from within, Power is what you hold in your heart, Power is what you make it--etc.  Power is the ability to do what you want to do while being true to yourself.  In this lifetime you only have yourself to answer to and a higher power if that's something that you believe in.  Living your life with little or no regrets is powerful and no one can ever take that away from you.
We live in a very capitalistic society and with a capitalistic mentality, power is seen as everything that each individual should aspire to.  Songs have been written about what power means.  Take the following lyrics by The Lox for example:
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Help you sleep at night.
You'll see the light.
It's the key to life.
Money, power, and respect.
Whatchu' need in life.
Money, power, and respect.
When you eatin' right.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.
Money, power, and respect.

These lyrics define capitalism.  These lyrics represent the young American work ethic for some people regardless of class, ethnic background, financial background, etc.  
In these lyrics money, power and respect are all tied together, but can they be separate?  All of these words when standing alone or maybe put in a different order will have a different impact on people.  Does one really need money, power and respect to be the best that they can be?  

What does power mean to me?  From the referenced lyrics power, respect and money have a different meaning.  I believe that I have gotten wiser as I have aged and for me right now power is a cliche that I am trying to attain.  I have no problem admitting this.  No problem at all.
I want the power to use my voice, my humor and outlook on life to be an influence on all those around me as I believe that I have something to offer each individual that I meet and I feel the same way about others. 

Power as defined by me today:  the ability to love and be loved, the ability to communicate with others when angry, frustrated and happy, the earned respect of friends, family and new acquaintances and most importantly safety and stability.  I don't believe that this is too much.  

Power, what does it mean to you?


  1. Power to me, is knowing your influence on the world and its inhabitants and using that influence/power for positive change. Knowledge is POWER!

  2. This entry about power has really changed my outlook on the subject, to me power is somthing you can never grasp its the ability to strive to be a better person not being a better person in itself.
